The Canterville Ghost

be set in : ~을 배경으로 하다

extract : 발췌본

take possession of : 손에 넣다

for years : 수 년 동안

never get any sleep : 한 숨도 잠자지 못했다.

She has been ill for years because of that.

And my wife never got any sheep there, because of all the noises

at night.

But please remember that I did tell you about it

여기서의 did는 강조 의미

be in bed : 잠자리에 들다

go on : 계속하다

put on : 입다, 두다

passage : 복도, 통로

I've brought you a bottle of Tammany's Sun Oil.

For a second or two : 1~2초 동안

ever since : 이후로 줄곧

fire : 난로

She has been ill ever since

The Canterville Ghost is set in England in a large, 

old house where (=in which) the Canterville family has live for

300 years.

One night, while she was dressing for dinner, two skeleton hands

were put on her shoulders. She has been ill for years because of that.

And my wife never got any sleep there, bacause of all the noises at night.

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